By: ASAP News Team
Andrei Macapagal
Although non-verbal, Andrei communicates with us through his masterpieces. His private collections awed some mall goers in last year’s exhibit asking if they were for sale. Andrei’s works are also available in gift cards. His mom Mrs. Mariter Macapagal, incoming ASP Board of Trustee, runs Cupertino Center for Special Children, one of the oldest schools for children with special needs. The school has a paper recycling business and turns the recycled papers to stationery and cards.
Andrei (middle) with his parents, Mommy Mariter and Daddy Arthuro |
Kenrick Cheng
Helen, Kenrick’s mom, noticed his fondness for coloring activities when he was 10 years old. She enrolled Cheng three years ago in an art class. Ken’s mentor used a structured method in painting and the result is a series of exquisite paintings of still life, animals and landscape. Ken, flashes a shy smile when people come up to congratulate him for a job well done.
Both Andrei and Kenrick are under the tutelage of Mr. Erwin Jara. Exhibits are on going at the Atrium, The Block of SM City North EDSA from January 17 to 24, 2010.
Kenrick with Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista |
Vico Cham
Vico started painting when he was 6 years old. At 8, Vico painted in a 24X36 canvass a house of Blues Clues cartoon. This made his parents, architects Victor and Catherine, decide to harness his artistic skills. At 13, he mentored under Gabby Atienza, another PWA artist and learned to draw people.
Vico Cham (left) with mentor Gabby Atienza (right) |
Today, Vico boasts of a collection of as many as 50 computer generated drawings. His decorative art works are displayed in Trotezz Wine Bar and Dancing Hall at Greenbelt Makati. His new obsession is Egyptian themes. Vico won painting contests in his school, Shine Special Education Center. His parents are proud of his private collections. His wish someday to have a one man exhibit finally comes true.
* Vico's Exhibit will be at SM Marikina City from January 17-24, 2010. Come visit the main lobby of SM Marikina. Other featured artworks by children with autism: Jonjon, Raph, Aiko, and Chico Luke will also play the guitar during the closing ceremonies Jan. 24, 2010 this Sunday at 5pm.
Comment from Trevor Batten below. Can you please contact us via email? We are interested in the work of ASP, but cannot really communicate through commercial systems such as Google or Blogger. Our emails are below.
Thanks and best wishes,
Fatima (
Trevor Batten (
As an artist, I find it very dangerous to place people in diagnostic boxes. The BBC has produced some excellent programmes. Here is some information which I hope will be of interest. This is a very interesting subject:
Jacqui is a parent of seven lively children and young adults, three girls in their teenage years and early twenties and four boys all of whom are on the autism spectrum
The BBC made a documentary about the Jackson family; Jacqui's son Luke, diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at the age of seven, has published three books about his experiences, and Jacqui has also published her first book, Multicoloured Mayhem. Following on from Jacqui's book, the BBC also made a drama, Magnificent 7 featuring Helena Bonham-Carter who played Jacqui. In between her hectic schedule she manages to prepare gluten and casein free meals for her three younger boys and vegetarian meals for her girls. More information on Luke and his current work is available here, along with a selection of his photographs and images which are now for available for purchase
My Family and Autism
My Family and Autism was a documentary broadcast on BBC Two on 30 July 2003. It's an upbeat look at the daily life of the Jackson family. Jacqui Jackson has four sons and three daughters, and all her boys are on the autistic spectrum. 14-year-old Luke guides us through their family life.
Luke tells us what he thought about the BBC filming his family, we find out about the spectacles with coloured lenses that he and his brother Joe tried out during filming, there are details of the diet that the boys are on to alleviate some of their symptoms and Joe is given a camera to capture the family at home.
The Autistic Me
Most young adults take their freedoms for granted - they can choose
their friends, stay out late, learn to drive and decide what they want
to do as a career. But for people growing up on the autistic spectrum,
life is very different. Stuck in a strange limbo between childhood and
adulthood, they are unable to make these choices.
This documentary follows three people with autism at pivotal moments on
the rocky road to being accepted as an adult. They are all fighting for
independence and responsibility, but being frustrated by the shackles
imposed on them by their disability, their families and the preconceived ideas of mainstream society.
More on Andrei Macapagal; he now has a book!
In lieu of a wedding, a book on autism
BusinessMirror Life
Saturday, 15 May 2010 18:26
I FELT THAT IT was my responsibility as a mother to my autistic son. This guy cannot give back love because he’s not capable of loving back, so we might as well celebrate this book with him, for a wedding would not happen,” said Mariter Jalandoni-Macapagal at the soiree launch of Our Andrei: Living with Autism, her first-born son’s biography as told to the authors, the late Reynaldo G. Alejandro and the living Vicente Roman S. Santos.
The celebration and book-signing at a rather large yet intimate cocktail party at the Wack Wack Golf and Country Club in Mandaluyong City on April 15 opened the hearts of many to the book’s underlying themes of love, life, society, power, family and the mentally handicapped. It also coincided with the commemoration of World Autism Day.
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