The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

23 June 2010

ASP Diliman Chapter’s Basket Ball Clinic Testimonials

By: Tiffany Tan, ASP Board Secretary

Younger brother Rupert needed to play basketball with his friends. He missed his homework. Teacher calls Mom Aileen. She tells story to older brother, Carl.

This gave birth to ASP Diliman’s First Basketball Clinic. Click here to read previous post.

“The only reason why I prodded my son Carl to teach our first Basketball Clinic was because I wanted him to understand his brother Rupert”, confesses Mom Aileen Valera, Treasurer of ASP Diliman Chapter. Rupert has autism.

Soon other coaches joined Carl together with other PWAs and parents. After 13 sessions, the chapter held their commencement with a Championship Program. Below are their testimonials:

Impact on Persons with Autism
“I saw better eye- hand coordination on my son, and he can dribble a ball without losing his balance. He learned how to dribble, doing it inside the house and even the bedroom just to show off. He followed instructions and waited for his turn to practice shooting. He learned the rudiments of basketball, but more importantly, he learned how to be a team player this summer” - Mom Resy Benoza

“Paul was 5 years old when he started to watch the PBA, NBA and the re-runs of the UAAP basketball. ASP Diliman's summer basketball activity was perfect for him and his peers. Paul learned to play with other kids. Because of his intense desire to shoot the ball and regular practice, his shoulder muscles developed and grew strong. Paul was awarded the medal “Shooting King!” It definitely made my heart soar!” - Mom Odette Goze

“The clinic was like a whole new world of learning for them. It taught them to be more confident of their bodies, that learning is not all books, words and numbers” – Mom Aileen Valera

ASP Diliman’s First Basketball Clinic

Impact on Parents and siblings
“For us basketball moms, the sessions were opportunities to share experiences, to brain-storm on activities, and to announce the dreaded “moving to another school”. We begin to explore while strengthening our bond of friendship.”

“While the boys focused on basketball, some of their siblings gladly, and without hesitation, took part in the championship game’s program. Macky’s Kuya, recited the invocation while Maren and Nina, younger sisters of Drix and Rupert, respectively, danced Tik Tok,” – Mom Rose Dacanay:

Impact on Chapter
“What we have achieved here is parents' dedication, support and friendship that were deeply developed and cultivated. The 'bonding' was such that we found another family in each other. These are the things that you will always treasure, memories that you will forever keep and friends that you will genuinely care for and understand. Our boys, I'm sure feel the same way. - Mom Jo Palomares, President ASP Diliman Chapter.

Basketball can be a useful tool for Persons with Autism, teaching them social skills and team sportsmanship. Click here to read ASP Diliman Chapter’s Basket Ball Heroes for Players with Autism.


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lynstar said...

Way to go, ASP-Diliman! Congratulations!

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