in partnership with
SPED Department
invites Bacoor and Imus-based ASP members to a
General Assembly and Seminar on
"Overcoming Sensory and Learning Needs
of Children with ASD"
This seminar/workshop is specifically designed for parents, teachers, therapists and caregiver. It aims to provide an overview of the underlying sensory and learning challenges that influences learning and performance of students with ASD. Special emphasis will be on analyzing when the function of behavior communicates a sensory based need and recognizing the learning needs of students with ASD.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
** Walk away with practical everyday intervention and solution such as use of “naturally occurring activities” to accommodate the child/student special sensory needs. This means activities that they can be easily incorporated into the child’s routine within the home and school environment.
** Learn on how to create simple visual supports and environmental modification both in the classroom and at home in developing more effective and nurturing environment for students with ASD.
** Use Visual Supports to increase attending, motivation, social skills and increase opportunities for learning for students with ASD.
Ms. Honorata Rocamora |
Ms. Honorata A. Rocamora is a BS Occupational Therapy graduate of Perpetual Help. She finished her master’s degree in Childhood Special Education Studies at Adelphi University, Garden City, New York. She is a Registered Occupational Therapist and has a Licensed to Practice Occupational Therapy in the Philippines as well as New York.
She work as an Occupational Therapist at University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines. She was a former OT Supervisor at Goldwater Memorial Hospital, New York City. Ms. Rocamora is currently a Senior Occupational Therapist at Department of Education, New York City, USA.
Sat., Aug. 14, 2010, 8:00am - 1:00 pm
Venue: Cavite School of Life
EVY Compound, P.F. Espiritu St. Panapaan 3, Bacoor, Cavite
Click here for the school map
Seminar Fee:
Pre-Registration until Aug.11,2010
ASP Member - P200
On-Site Reg and Non-ASP member : P250
Fee inclusive of snack, handouts and certificate
For inquiries Please call or text Jan Peña
0920-824-7636 / 0915-985-7828
Election of new sets of officers for ASP Bacoor and Imus Chapters follows after the seminar. Please text your nominations now. Members who are highly motivated to serve and support our sector through ASP are enjoined to exercise their leadership! Thank you and God bless!!
The ASP Seminar Series serves as a platform to educate Filipino parents and professionals on the various interventions, modalities and theories surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Their application and implementation are left at your discretion. The views and personal experiences of the speakers are of their own and don’t necessarily reflect that of the views of the organization.
Sharing HOPES...Building DREAMS...
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