The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

23 October 2010

How to have a Triumphant Home Management Program

By: Thine Republica, ASP Program Assistant

ASP National conducted a Seminar-Workshop on Home Management Program last September 25, 2010 at Asian Social Institute, Malate Manila. Peng So (VP), Evelyn Go (Treasurer), and Evert Malapad (Auditor) came to support the participants.

ASP’s “suki” trainer, Ms. Rosalyn Marie Sorongon, gave a general orientation on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and expounded on Management of Developmental Disabilities at Home; while Ms. Apple Malapad, devoted wife of Evert (Auditor) and mom to Mae-Mae, (16) teen with autism, shared her personal experiences, stressing the importance of a HMP and giving practical tips to make it successful.
Ms. Rosalyn Marie Sorongon, during the orientation on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Ms. Apple Malapad, hared her personal experiences, stressing the importance of a HMP and giving practical tips to make it successful.

Seminar Proper

A total of 25 parents and professionals attended the seminar. The Seminar-Workshop on Home Management Program aims to furnish parents and professionals with different approaches on how to teach persons with autism (PWA) at home, focusing on meeting their specific needs, addressing their behavioral concerns, and teaching adaptability to daily family activities, routines, chores, making them functional in the home setting. The participants acquired valuable skills which can support the PWAs on the road to self-reliance & productivity and in the attainment of their maximum potential.

HMP compliments the PWA’s Special Education (SPED) Program being implemented in school and extends its implementation at home. HMP covers other areas which are being given limited time in school, such as personal hygiene and household chores.

Comparing a SPED Class program with a HMP: a SPED Class lasts for an average of 4 hours a day, while a HMP lasts approximately 12 hours a day (assuming the PWA gets 8 hours of sleep). In a SPED class, the Sped Teacher is the implementer, while at home the implementers are parents and/or siblings, caregivers. Teacher-Student Ratio in SPED Class is 1 Teacher to 4 Students, while at HMP probably, one is to one. The HMP is more affordable and less costly than enrolling a child in a SPED Class.

Workshop Proper

Parents as primary implementers were tasked to design a HMP for their child. They were encouraged to regularly discuss and coordinate with the CWA’s Developmental Pediatrician (or a similar professional), report the progress and daily activities at home to the School’s Program Coordinator, educate other members of the family (including caregivers) about the HMP and monitor family members’ compliance to the program.

There are many challenges parents face. Financial concerns, being forced to learn new things in a limited time coupled with feelings of inadequacy can be both physically and emotionally draining. In addition, the fear for their children’s future and the public ridicule CWAs were subjected to contribute mental and emotional stress.


According to the speakers, discouragement is the Parent-Implementer’s “Public Enemy No.1”. To effectively deal with discouragement, there must be a change in parents’ perspective. Parents were reminded that a “small progress” is still “progress”. Parents need to celebrate small victories rather than looking at it as “not being good enough” or being “inadequate”. Getting support from other parents is another key to battling discouragement.

The seminar-workshop was a huge triumph. All the participants discovered and learned new and practical things that they can apply at home. The 25 participants shared their personal experiences and gathered valuable lessons, different strategies in an intimate and interactive forum. It was such an enriching and empowering experience that the participants requested for more seminars like these soon.

“There is always hope for our children. Our hugs and kisses may not be enough to cure autism but if you add commitment and persistence, and personally implement the Home Program, remarkable developmental strides are just an arm’s length away,” said Apple Malapad. Her husband Evert will be one of the Cebu Regional Conference speakers on “Daddy’s Power” on October 23-24, 2010 at SM City Cebu Trade Hall.

Click here to know more about the Cebu Regional Conference.

The ASP Seminar Series serves as a platform to educate Filipino parents and professionals on the various interventions, modalities and theories surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Their application and implementation are left at your discretion. The views and personal experiences of the speakers are of their own and don’t necessarily reflect that of the views of the organization.


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