The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

09 November 2010


By: Gina L. Bermudo

When I though all is well

there is another concern to spell.

It’s a labyrinth to navigate

in a wilderness with a gate.

Autism was the diagnosis

It was a word that I thought didn’t exist

I had to find out what it is

Is it a curable or a contagious disease?

I was confused with everything I read

All terms are new and never heard

I tried to grab all the books that I can find

Just to condition and prepare my mind

The journey ahead is long

And the final destination is unknown.

I don’t know where this road will lead me

But at the end trip, I just want to be with my family.

I can only wish that someday there is a cure

to this diagnosis whose origin I am not sure.

In an instant my world was turned upside down

Is the future looking at me with a frown?

Even God was initially questioned about our situation

Is this a blessing or a test of faith and endurance?

I just hope that someday that acceptance will come

And we can truly say “Thy will be done”
ASP Trustee Gina Bermudo with husband Lito
and sons Xandi (right) and Niko (2nd from left)


“Diagnosis” is just one of the many series of poetry Gina Bermudo has written for her two sons Nicolas and Alexander. Gina is serving as ASP Trustee and is a regular contributor to ASaP. Her own compositions have been compiled in a CD called “Mga Awiting Alay sa Autismo”. Be an Angel for Autism. Order your copy now and help fund ASP Programs and Services. Call 7-903-5496 or email for bulk orders. Click here to see more Angels Merchandise.


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