By: Sandra Espina, ASP Cebu Chapter President
"I found this togetherness a fitting moment not only on learning the truth behind the spectrum, but also working together as a throng of angels who sees to it that glory shines in each child with autism.”
This statement came from one of the consultants of ASP Cebu Chapter, after the huge success of ASP Cebu Chapter’s Regional Conference on Autism. The event marked a new milestone in the pursuit of putting the puzzle together. For the FIRST time, ASP-Cebu Chapter, in affiliation with ASP National Office embarked on hosting the 2nd Regional Autism Conference last October 23-24,2010. The theme
“The Spinning Truth Behind the Spectrum: Teaming up with Families, Professionals and Society,” is a timely declaration that every sector should do their part in understanding autism and the different interventions available for PWAs.
The conference was attended by 302 delegates and over 80 volunteers from various support groups and from the City of Cebu Sinulog participants.
Looking Back
A few months before the conference, the core group was faced with overwhelming challenges. The chapter was undergoing the pains of rebirth; there were but a handful of enthusiastic members and only a few understood that our special children had so much to give this world if only given a chance. Thoughts of backing-out actually crossed our minds. But we were quite resolute in pursuing this endeavor of hosting the conference and advancing the cause of autism.
Truly, there is truth in what the Bible says:
“Ask and it will be given to you: seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” And so, the working committee, in coordination with the ASP National Executive Director, Ranil Sorongon, took up the cudgels, zealously prepared for the conference, and slowly, things fell into place.
We mailed a letter to President Aquino for a Souvenir Program Message. A few days later, we received a call from the Office of the President that his message will be mailed to our chapter. SM City Cebu confirmed their intent to be a Major Sponsor for the conference. Our international and local speakers; autism specialists and partners-in-service, confirmed support for the conference.
We realized then, that our special children have their own little story to tell
“Let’s make this happen in CEBU!” Click here to read more about the conference.
Looking forward
A collaborative TEAM approach in providing parents and medical affiliates an array of perspectives in managing children with autism helped us Recognize, Cope and Deal with our loved ones with Autism. The conference delegates were enriched and empowered.
The ASP Cebu Chapter Family |
As ASP-Cebu Chapter embarks on its 10th year of Sharing Hopes and Building Dreams, we have become bolder in promoting Autism Awareness. We are gaining support from the public and private institutions, government and non-government agencies in helping our CWAs become socially accepted and understood in mainstream society. It is evident that ASP Cebu Chapter is on the right direction.
On behalf of the members of ASP-Cebu,
“Mulambo ug magpadayon ang Advokasia sa Autismo! Daghang Salamat ninyong tanan!”
ASP Cebu Chapter will be participating in the celebration of 15th National Autism Consciousness Week this coming January 23-26, 2011 and to know more about the details kindly
Click Here.
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