The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

03 February 2011

2011 ACW Back to Back Family Support Group

By: Abegail Mendoza, ASP Program Assistant

In celebration of the 15th National Autism Consciousness Week, ASP started the monthly Family Support Group meeting to tackle burning concerns of the parents of children autism. ASP conducted two simultaneous FSGs on January 22, 2011. One was facilitated by ASP Trustee Ms. Carmel Almendrala at the ASP National Office in Kamias, Quezon City, while another facilitated by Ms. Fredeswina Javier at Cradle for Learners School in Sikatuna Village, Quezon City.

The FSG at ASP National Office attended by 6 mothers while 16 attended the FSG at Cradles. During the meeting, different problems were raised by the participants: (1) addressing behavior of CWAs, (2) concerns in the school, (3) concerns about the CWAs future, (4) knowing the rights of children with autism, and (5) how to advocate for their children’s welfare.

The concerns raise were appropriately channeled to the facilitators as Carmel is the head of ASP’s Advocacy Committee, while Fredes is a member of the Executive Council of Ateneo High School-Parents Union and Sped Consultants to some schools.

Here are some of the comments gathered from the participants:

- We really have to be strong for our children.

- Continuous planning and seeking for support / advocate for our children’s cause/welfare is needed.

- Educate more people specially those always in touch with our children.

- Always be positive and see more of our children’s accomplishments rather than their weaknesses.

- Be thankful even of the simple things that our kids do everyday.

ASP continues to help the parents in their journeys with their children. And because of this, ASP schedules another FREE Family Support Group meeting at ASP Office on February 19, 2011, with ASP Vice President, Peng So, facilitating. Don’t miss this opportunity, call 7-903-5496 to register. Hurry! Only 15 slots available.


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