The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

12 September 2011

Are There Any Differences?

By: Ms. Ivy A. Sacay, SpEd Coordinator/Consultant - Aid of Angels Therapy & Learning Center

A seminar hosted by the ASP-Gen. Trias Chapter entitled: “OTISMO atbp.” was conducted for an organization: “KABAYAN” sponsored by the “AID OF ANGELS THERAPY AND LEARNING CENTER” headed by Dra. Mariquita C. Lagda, the school’s Directress and Ms. Nanette A. Custodio, the school’s Administrator, in cooperation with the office of the Mayor of General Trias, Cavite headed by no less than Mayor Luis Ferrer IV. The event, held last July 25, 2011 at the Audio-Visual Room of Gen. Trias Municipal Hall, was attented by 50 MSWD officers and associates, KABAYAN (Kababaihan para sa Bayan) members and other officials from the Municipal Office and some parents of PWDs and a couple of PWDs with Down's Syndrome.
Cavite autism angel Mayor Jonjon Ferrer of General Trias, with Ms. Nanet Custodio, ASP Gen. Trias chapter adviser (left) and Dr. Mariquita Lagda, Directress of Aid of Angels Therapy & Learning Center

The speakers and their topics were as follows:

Ms. Jeanette Lane B. Soriano, OTRP, SROT --- Different Disability Categories

( Head of OT Department of AOA)

Ms. Marnellie D. Mendoza (Speech Therapist) - Speech and Language Communication Disorder

Mr. Reuel P. Andanar (Occupational Therapist) - Early Intervention (Therapy Setting)

Ms. Ivy A. Sacay, MAEDSPD (SpEd Coordinator/Consultant) - Early Intervention and SpEd Placement (School Setting)

Ms. Alice Buendia, President ASP General Trias Chapter - Closing Remarks

Dr. Mariquita Lagda, Directress of AOA - Opening Remarks
Participants in the seminar

The main objective of the seminar was for the parents and adults to observe the differences in the disorders of children who are suspected or at risk of having a condition by creating awareness in the manifestations presented. Cases such as Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Speech Delay were discussed so they would be aware of the signs of each condition. As a rule, early detection at an early age is the key to reduce and change the disability to optimize outcomes for the child and his/her family. Any deviation of the child’s behavior from the norms is a warning sign for the parents to consider. Normally at first, parents are always in denial of their child’s impairment, but in spite of the odd difference they have observed, usually it is the school through observation by the teacher, who recommends the parents to seek a developmental pediatrician to diagnose the condition.

The attendees of the seminar were receptive of the topic and that some of them would even say that was the first time they learned about GDD disorder. They thought that by promoting understanding of the child's particular diagnosis would help them understand a small part of nthe obstacles the child face. Also, they were very appreciative of the event because they realized that by early detection of the problem, they could make a difference in the life of their child.

In addition to the cases presented, the AOA Learning Center also presented the different special education programs the school offers. Emphasis was given on the premise that a special child is called special because he/she is exception to the rules of development. He/She grows and develops physically, intellectually, emotionally or socially in ways that is different from children who are not disabled. Through this, they were certain that each special child needs special attention in terms of educating him/her. And for that, the initial goal of the school is to put him/her in a program that is deemed appropriate because it believes in the principle that, “Placement of the child is based on his/her capabilities regardless of the condition”.

Towards the end of the talk, the Mayor donated a wheelchair to a gril who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, a nervous system impairment that would not allow the person to move his/her body parts. The wheelchair was received by the recipient together with her mother.
Aid of Angels team with MSWD and Kabayan officials of General Trias, Cavite

Hooray! What a way to rejoice after the event because the ASP-GenTria Chapter together with the AOA family and the local government fulfilled a moral obligation in creating awareness on the different signs of each disorder to the people with children and or relatives with disabilities in General Trias.

You can contact ASP Gen. trias Cavite President Ms. Alice Buendia at 0917-971-6801.

Be an Angel for Autism. Donate generously to ASP Programs and Services. Donate to Autism Society Philippines Metrobank Kamias Branch 047-3-04751874-2. Email us at or call 7-903-5496.


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