The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

04 October 2011

ASP Joins the First Filipino Therapist Conference and Expo

By: Cricel Elises, ASP Administrative Assistant

Autism Society Philippines (ASP) was invited to the 1st Filipino Therapist Conference and Expo last September 24-25, 2011 at Crowne Plaza, Galleria Manila. According to the organizers, the event aims to help Filipino therapists to become globally competitive. The event was attended by Ms. Peng So, ASP Vice President and this author. Among the speakers and topics discussed as follows:

Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities or RA 7277, an Act providing for the Rehabilitation, Self-Development and Self-Reliance of Persons with Disabilities and their Integration into the Mainstream of Society, was discussed by Ms. Flerida V. Labanon, Regional Program Coordinator of the National Council for Disability Affairs. She also discussed the land mark legislation for the sector is Batas Pambansa Blg. 344, or the Accessibility Law, which mandates public buildings and transport to be accessible to persons with disabilities.

The concept of Laughter Yoga is based on a scientific fact that the body can not differentiate between fake and real laughter. Speaker Mr. Paolo Trinidad said one gets the same physiological and psychological benefits when laughter is simulated. Another speaker on yoga, Mr. Mario Antonio V.M. Reyes explained that the practice of yoga makes the body strong and flexible; it also improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems.
Ms. Flerida Labanon discussing the land mark legislation for the sector

“I think being a functional behavior therapist needs a lot of patience, determination and passion to their work,” said Ms. Maria Rosario “Teacher Bunny” Joaquin, co-founder of Shine Special Education Center. She discussed how Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) can scientifically determine the underlying causes of a specific behavior by identifying the functions and choices of behavior displayed by an individual with special needs.
Ms. Maria Rosario Joaquin one of the speakers and ASP Vice President Peng So

Ms. Celeste Sanchez, author of What Music Therapy Did To George, said music may be used to health care professionals to promote healing and enhance quality of life for their patients. Music Therapy can encourage emotional expression, promote social interaction, and relieve depression.

For the past 20 years as a community/clinical psychologist to the disabled poorest of the poor, Mr. Barney McGlade, head of Pacific Region and the South East Asia CBR Coordination Office of CBM or Christoffen Blinden Mission, tackled the components of Community Based Rehabilitation and how to start a CBR project in our own community towards the inclusion of PWDs into society. The 2nd Asia Pacific CBR Congress will be held in Manila this November.

Over-all the conference was able enhance the organizational, practical skills, competence and ethical service practices of Filipino Therapists and raise the Filipino therapists' awareness of the clients' and patients' need in facing the current society.


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