The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

16 December 2011

December 17 Seminar at Baguio City

"Siblings Side of Story"

Parents often receive an outpouring of different forms of support upon the diagnosis of their child in order to help them accept, understand and deal with autism in their lives. Therefore, they also become, aside from their child with autism, the focal point of programs and services to address the varying needs brought about by autism. Unfortunately, there are other family members whose seem to be often left out. These are the other children or the siblings of the persons with autism (PWA). Much has been studied, read, seen and heard about the plight of the parent of PWA but little yet has been learned, discussed and dealt with the siblings. Unraveling the situation of the siblings of PWA conveys a message that they are seen as equally important as that of their parent in the world of autism. Knowing their issues and/or concern, needs and desires, and their aspirations in life in relation to their brother or sister with autism encourages widening of perspective in viewing and understanding the unique circumstances they are in. This knowledge can pave the way for creating a gamut of support services in addressing the needs of the siblings. As a result, this will invite, encourage and inspire them to heed the call of the Autism challenge within and hopefully, beyond their families.
Ms. Rosalyn Sorongon

Ms. Rosalyn Marie Gison Sorongon earned her Master’s Degree in Special Education from the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Equipped with more than a decade of teaching persons with autism (PWAs) and helping their families cope with this condition, she conducts orientations and trainings to parents and professionals on autism. A former School Director of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders in Las PiƱas City, Teacher My finds fulfillment in her new role as a regular facilitator of workshops for siblings of PWAs as a result of her post graduate research on this sector.

Where: Vizcos at Puso ng Baguio Building along Session Road
When: December 17, Saturday at 1PM
For more details: Contact Belete Vizcocho at 09175069153


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