By Cath Genovia, ASP Program Assistant
As part of ASP’s desire to educate the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) and its attached agencies’ employees with the issues of the autism sector, a lecture-forum on autism was conducted as part of the celebration of the 16th National Autism Consciousness Week last 25 January 2012 at the DOTC conference room in Mandaluyong City. More than 70 participants from DOTC Central Office, its attached agencies and the National Working Committee attended the said activity.
ASP Executive Director Ranil Sorongon gave a brief lecture on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and Republic Act 9442; while Ms. Dang Koe, ASP Chair Emeritus gave a lecture on "Understanding Passengers with Autism".
After the lectures were followed by an enlightening open forum. The two speakers were joined by Ms. Mary Grace Adviento, ASP National President, Ms. Gina Bermudo and Ms. Fredeswina Javier, ASP Trustees. Exciting questions from the participants and informative answers from the panelist provided a very engaging environment.
Speakers Fredeswina Javier, Grace Adviento, Dang Koe and Gina Bermudo |
Arch. Rizal Morales of DOTC, a long time supporter of ASP was so happy of the result of the activity for it opened the doors of the attached agencies of DOTC like the Philippine National Railways (PNR), Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) and the Light Rail Transit (LRT) to connect with ASP for their respective orientation on autism.
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