The ASP Secretariat gives our new interns and volunteers a warm welcome during orientation day last August 3, 2012 |
The Autism Society Philippines, this month, kicks off what it hopes to be a sustainable program for young adults with autism.
The ASP Internship Program is a job readiness initiative, open to institutions who conduct job coaching. ASP provides a safe, compassionate workplace which is the perfect venue for PWAs to gain work experience by assisting in ASP office work -- scanning images and documents, library management and organization of audio-visual assets. The partnership between ASP and the partner institution (resembling an employer-job agency relationship) is critical to providing the intern guidance in work skills and work-appropriate behavior.
Each intern may render a maximum of 40 hours of work, after which he receives a certificate of completion and the corresponding allowance. The work with ASP becomes something he can then include in his resume.
For the first cycle of interns, ASP is partnering with ILLC. Among the interns are Nina Gabrielle B, Cornell S and Martin D. They will be implementing a records digitization project for ASP.
If you are:
1) an institution with the capability to coach in the workplace; or ...
2) an employer who would like to take interns who are PWAs, ...
... please send a letter of introduction to Ranil Sorongon at autismphils@gmail.com; and we would be glad to provide opportunities to as many individuals and institutions as our time, capabilities and resources allow.
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