The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

25 April 2013

ASP Celebrates 6th World Autism Awareness Day

Autism Society Philippines joins the whole world in celebrating the 6th World Autism Awareness last 2 April 2013. ASP started the day with an opening of the “Exhibit of Artworks of Persons with Autism” at the lobby of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Central Office in Quezon City. The artworks exhibited were the winning and special entries of the on the “Spot Painting Contest” of ASP last January during the 17th National Autism Consciousness Week. The exhibit in partnership with DENR and the support of the Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine ran from April 2 to 5.

A lecture on “Stem Cell Therapy and Autism” was conducted by Dr. Tippy Tanchanco, a developmental pediatrician at the conference room of the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) in Quezon City later that day. The lecture was attended by parents, professionals and employees of CWC, and delivered in partnership with the sub-committee on Children with Disabilities. Ms. Brenda Vigo, the Executive Director of CWC welcomed the participants.
ASP Board of Trustees with SM officers and Ms. Carmen Zubiaga

In another corner of Metro Manila, an ASP contingent joined the talk on “Autism and Its Medical Aspect” by Dr. Ermenilda Avendaño, a neuro-developmental pediatrician at SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City. The talk was sponsored by the National Working Committee of the 6th World Autism Awareness Day where ASP is a member. It was followed by the opening of the exhibit of the art works of person with autism and the activities of the different agencies who are members of the working committee.

The talk was followed by a walk towards the symbolic SM Globe that served as the icon for autism awareness every April 2. SM mall goers cheered as participants of the walk led by the SM marching band with their respective banners and leaflets passed through the walkways going to the globe.

ASP Dream Girls Thara and Nica entertained the guests and participants of the event with their repertoire of songs before the countdown for the lighting of the giant globe. The symbolic lighting was led by Ms. Annie Garcia of SM, Assistant Secretary Ubial of the Department of Health, Undersecretary Montaño of DSWD, Director Carmen Zubiaga of NCDA and Director Celia Yangco of the Autism Hearts Foundation Philippines. The lighting of the SM giant globe was part of the worldwide Light It Up Blue initiative spearheaded by Autism Speaks to promote awareness on autism that now affects 1 in every 88 children in the US.

ASP joins UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s appeal to “continue to work hand-in-hand with persons with autism spectrum disorders, helping them to cultivate their strengths while addressing the challenges they face so they can lead the productive lives that are their birthright”.


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