Raphael Torralba and Cecile Sicam with Mr. Soya Mori |
Soya Mori of the
Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO), a quasi-government social science research organization, met with ASP's Vice President, Cecilia Sicam thru the efforts of ASP Program Coordinator, Raphael Torralba last 15 October 2013, to discuss Special Education for Children with Autism.
Mr. Soya Mori is a Japanese Deaf Development Economist who is a member of the comparative research team, working on “Education of Persons with Disabilities in Developing Countries.” The objective of this research project is to focus on the equalization of opportunities and promotion of education of persons with disabilities through legislation, and reveal the roles of and problems facing the current education law system in developing countries.
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) stipulates that persons with disabilities should not be excluded from the general education system, should have access to an inclusive, quality and free education, and should be provided reasonable accommodation of the individual’s requirements. This research project will research and analyze (1) the education policy, including special education, (2) the education law system of persons with disabilities, including laws, rules and guidelines, (3) the actual situation of school attendance of persons with disabilities in general and special education schools, and (4) cases of litigation and complaints regarding education of persons with disabilities in each country to examine the feasibility of the rights established in CRPD. The subject countries are the Philippines, China, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and India.
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