Best Practices and Evidence-Based Interventions for Autism
27 June 2015, Saturday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Bridges Foundation, Inc. #22 Scout Limbaga St. Brgy. Laging Handa, Quezon City
Best Practices and Evidence-Based Interventions for Autism is a whole day seminar to discuss different topics about teaching techniques on how to teach individuals with autism and applying the principles of teaching. In this seminar not only teachers but also parents will learn the proper way of teaching and communicating with persons with communication deficits.
Ms. Maria Ruth Mirandilla and Ms. Maria Aguila |
There will be three topics for the day. Morning session is Evidence-based Practices. The first one will delve into the established and emerging practices in teaching individuals with autism. Particular attention will be given to three evidence-based practices which are: prompting, reinforcement and video modeling.The second topic is Structured Teaching - Applying the Principles of TEACCH. Structured Teaching is an Applying the Principles of TEACCH in the Home and in the Classroom.” The seminar will include the rationale of structured teaching as well as specific strategies to make classrooms, homes and work environments more organized and predictable for individuals with autism.
Afternoon session topic is How to Set up a Communication System for Children with Autism.
Misses Mirandilla and Aguila will be sharing their knowledge and experience on how to establish an alternative and/or augmentative communication system for persons with communication deficits. They will show how a communication book or a Speech Generating Device can be set up and used to facilitate communication. An example of a speech generating device will also be shown and the reasons why AAC is so important will be discussed.
About the Speakers
Maria Ruth Mirandilla, a Filipino based in California and has been serving as Special Education teacher in a K-3 Special Day Autism Class in Richmond,California, for the past 5 years. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Linguistics at University of the Philippines-Diliman, graduated Cum Laude. She took her Masters of Education in Special Education, Major in Teaching Children with Intellectual Disabilities at Philippine Normal University. She passed her California Basic Educational Skills Test last February 2011.
Maria G. Aguila, is a Filipino Special Day Class teacher based in California. She teaches K-3 students in one of the schools in Richmond, California. She started teaching in 2006 in different schools in California. Ms. Maria is a National Board Certified Teacher in Early Childhood through Young Adulthood/Exceptional Needs Specialist. She graduated Bachelor of Elementary Education at University of Sto. Tomas. In 2010 she finished her Education Specialist Instruction Credential at Sacramento State University.
Seminar Fees
Pre-registration *until June 23
ASP Member - P800
Non-member - P1000
On-site Registration
ASP Member - P1000
Non-member - P1200
Pre-registered participants may pay to Autism Society Philippines, Metro Bank, Kamias Branch Account Number 047-3-04751874-2. Please email the deposit slip with the name/s of participant/s at and bring it on the day of the seminar. On-site registrants will be accepted depending on the availability of slots. There will only be 40 slots available. No refund will be given to participants who do not show up on the date of the seminar. For more details, please call ASP at 7-903-5496.
The ASP Education and Empowerment Program serves as a platform to educate Filipino parents and professionals on the various interventions, modalities and theories surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Their application and implementation are left at your discretion. The views and personal experiences of the speakers are their own and may not necessarily reflect the views of the organization.
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