The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

15 January 2017

Message from President Rodrigo Duterte

My warmest greetings to the Autism Society Philippines (ASP) as it celebrates the 21st Philippine National Autism Consciousness Week.

The image shows President Rodrigo Duterte Standing in front of the wooden wall with the logo of Sagisag ng Pangulo ng Pilipinas and Philippine Flag shown at the left side.
President Rodrigo Duterte

Our goal to make the Philippines a truly just and progressive nation begins by ensuring that every citizen receives social services that they need. I thank the Autism Society Philippines for being a steadfast partner of the government in realizing this task. May you continue to uplift the lives of our people, particularly those who are marginalized and those who have special needs.

As we observe the National Autism Consciousness Week, I hope that the ASP will work closely the advocates and partners in promoting the welfare and development of persons with autism (PWAs). As your event's theme suggests, care for PWAs must transition from the confines of the home and school to universities, businesses, and workplaces.

Realizing this aspiration is the key to affirming that ours is a society founded on compassion, equality, and respect. I, therefore, ask the Filipino people to be more tolerant and inclusive. Let us all learn to fully accept our differences and appreciate what others can do to contribute to society. It is only through these actions that we can achieve real and lasting change.

I wish you a meaningful and successful event.


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