The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

25 August 2017

Carmel Almendrala nutures a new set of parents

The Family Support Group meeting was held last 19 August 2017 at Autism Society Philippines National Headquarters. ASP National Trustee Carmel Almendrala served as mentor to a group of young parents for the afternoon. The participants shared challenges they have been experiencing -- from occupational and speech therapy and other services around the learning environment, to financial difficulties, which was the biggest hurdle for many.

The image shows during a Family Support Group.
Our Family Support Group participants led by Ms. Carmel Almendrala

Everyone presented their joys and challenges -- something parents rearing child with autism all have. Tita Carmel shared practical advice and pragmatic techniques that could help with special needs parenting. The discussion covered picky eating, meltdowns, delayed speech and psycho motor skills, among others.

The meeting became lively when she reflected on the acceptance of autism by sharing the experiences of her son. Tita Carmel recalled the many challenges he faced -- from his personal obstacles to his fruitful career. She narrated Mike’s experiences through sports, especially when he won bronze medals at the Special Olympics World Summer Games, both in Dublin 2003 and Shanghai 2007, to which she affirmed that her son became a significant influence in the society’s acceptance of autism.

PWA artist Tomas Perez-Diaz, an Apolinario Mabini awardee, attended the FSG with his mom Nati.

One participant shared, “You have to invest in your child’s learning. What you put in is what you can pull out. Lots of patience.”

About the contributor: John Christian Ambion graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from World Citi Colleges - Antipolo. He works as a Junior Program Assistant in ASP and plans to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers in 2018.


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