I have three children. Two are now working, and the youngest, still a boy. They are my joy and inspiration in life.
We noticed Kim was not focused and his speech patterns was not typical. Several tests were accomplished. The doctor confirmed he had autism. The idea of my child having autism made my heart halt and my knees buckle. I cried. We cried.
There were frantic Internet searches, and seemingly endless inquiries with friends and experts. Every effort was geared into finding out what this condition is. Grabbing every opportunity to be enlightened, I took the time to attend seminars and conferences. Strangers become kindred spirits, whenever we meet people who live with the same condition.
Autism has been the most overwhelming challenge for my family. Finances were strained, especially when Kim’s two older siblings were in college. His therapies, schooling, and a long list of needs, cost more than what my two other children needed, combined. Yet how the Lord provides! The two elder siblings learned to be diligent and saved as much as they could; so as not to strain the family funds.
God loves and sees the real Kim. Some people may call my son “special”; but I see him as “precious.” The Almighty chose us to be part of the nurturing this child. Even though we do not fully understand him, God does.
The author and her three children. |
We live moment by moment. If something brought a smile to his lips, we try to remember and repeat the experience. If anything made him cry, we try to avoid that. We laugh over his smallest antics; and worry much when he looks upset – even more when he is sick. He cannot talk; but he shows us love in other ways.
My mind is still full of questions. What will happen to my youngest? How shall he cope with life? To what extent may we help him? What am I not doing? I do not have all the answers. Today I must trust the Lord’s will and strive to be the best parent I could be to my precious.
About the contributor. Marjorie G. Bartolome is a parent member of ASP UP-CAMP Manila.
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