The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

29 August 2018

ASP PweDay for the Months of September and October 2018

“What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning,” --- Chuck Grassley

The Autism Society Philippines Wednesday "PweDay" aims to provide enrichment for teens and adults on the autism spectrum who are not currently enrolled in schools. ASP PweDays will offer opportunities to learn new skills, to socialize with non-family members and to have fun. This will be every Wednesday, from 2pm to 4pm at ASP Headquarters. This is open to all Persons on the autism spectrum members, 16 years old and above.

The image shows Pweymates enjoying making pastimallows.
Our Pweymates during the cooking Pastimallows

On September 5 - Persons on the autism spectrum will prepare Chocolate Corn Flakes. These treats are super easy to make and have only three ingredients! One of the delectable treats they make and sell are these chocolate covered cornflakes. This will teach our Persons on the autism spectrum on proper food hygiene, simple food preparation, and presentation. Participants must bring their own hair net, apron, and closed shoes (no slippers or sandals please). Prepare a P200 donation when you get on-site.

On September 12 - Mooncake Festival Dice Games also known as Pua Tiong Chiu or Bo Bing Chinese dice game traditionally played as part of the celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The game known as Bo Bing (lit. gambling for cakes) in China, traditionally involves six dices and a China bowl with 63 different sized mooncakes as prizes for the winning players. This activity will develop socialization and communications among our Persons on the autism spectrum. Prepare a P200 donation when you get on-site.

On September 19 - DIY Easy Pom Pom Mat using Yarn - There are so many fun things that can be done with yarn. Why not start with one of these Yarn Craft Ideas. This activity is excellent leisure activity for adults on the autism spectrum, promoting PWAs' development in the following areas: Fine Motor Skills and In-hand manipulation skills - in terms of grasping the yarn, hand movement in cutting and tying, increase strength and coordination in the small hand and finger muscles. Visual Perceptual Skills, Visual Motor Skills - Eye-Hand coordination - They must be able to remember the pattern to determine the design they want to use. Involves bilateral coordination of the child's hands, and requires their eyes and hands to work together. Cognitive Skills - Planning what style they want to make? What pattern will they choose? Where are all the materials needed to complete this activity? this develops his/her planning and problem-solving skills. Social Skills - promote sharing and cooperation, as they complete their projects in a group setting. Prepare a P200 donation when you get on-site.

On September 26 - we will have a fun Indoor Games for adults on the autism spectrum. This activity will help them to increase and develop the following: social interaction among them, help to seek out lifelong friendships while learning how to take turns and partake in socially appropriate behaviors, build the skills required for communication through playing and interacting, physical activity is also suggested to improve self-esteem. Participants must wear comfortable shoes, bring extra shirt, water and a simple snacks.

On October 3 - we will have a Cooking session. Adult on the autism spectrum will prepare Ham and Cheese Roll, a simple but so yummy merienda. Cooking can be an opportunity to increase independence, learn basic academic skills to use in a functional way. Persons on the autism spectrum who have sensory processing challenges can benefit greatly from the smells, textures and tastes involved with the cooking process. This will teach them on proper food hygiene, simple food preparation, and presentation. Participants must bring their own hair net, apron, tupperware container and wear closed shoes (no slippers or sandals please). Prepare a P200 donation when you get on-site.

On October 10 - Persons on the autism spectrum will make DIY Glass Decor. Turn a bunch of glass bottle into enchanting lanterns to decorate your house for Halloween. Paint one of your favorite Halloween-themed images on it for display, a simple, yet impressive craft to do with adults with autism! You'll love creating these fun, unique crafts using products that can be found in or around your home. Bring your own glass bottle, scissors, extra shirt and P200 donation.

On October 17 - we will have Easy Candle Making. Learn how to easily make your own homemade candles. Candle making is a great way to get those young ones more interested in their own creativity. This activity is a really great way to express yourself with fun crafts that are both easy and fulfilling to do. Bring your scissors, extra shirt and P200 donation.

On October 24 - ASP members and Pweymates, wear your best K-Pop fashion trend to our own K-Pop Superstar Party. The best costumes gets a prizes. This activity will help them to increase and develop their social interaction. It's a pizza pasta potluck party! Please bring food for sharing. You are in for an afternoon of songs, dancing and games! Persons on the autism spectrum ages 16 years old and up are welcome to join! Because of the limited space and our desire to give more room for the kids, we encourage a maximum one companion for every Person on the autism spectrum. Please bring P50 donation.

"Persons on the autism spectrum who are no longer in school end up in the fringes of society." Mona Magno-Veluz, ASP National President shares, "ASP is deeply invested in building a society where a individuals with autism be the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive and socially-accepted members of the community -- no matter where they are on the spectrum. By keeping our Persons on the autism spectrum active and engaged outside the home, we are also training the society to be more aware of what autism is, to be more appreciative of their gifts and to be more accommodating of their deficits."


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