The Autism Society Philippines (ASP) is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of persons on the autism spectrum disorder. We envision a society where Filipinos on the spectrum become the best of their potentials -- self-reliant, independent, productive, socially-accepted citizens of an Autism-OK Philippines.

25 May 2019

Sensory Integration Strategies

What: Sensory Integration Strategies
When: 22 June 2019,9am - 12nn
Where: ASP National Headquarters (

Sensory Integration is about how our brain receives and processes sensory information so that we can do the things we need to do in our everyday life. Our brain interprets the information it receives, then uses all of this information to help us respond to our environment. Most persons with autism have problems with sensory integration and this manifests in odd or challenging behaviors. Participants will learn practical strategies that can help PWAs cope or overcome their sensory processing difficulties.

The image shows a boy crawling under the tunnel.
Sensory Integration Strategies Digital Poster

About the Speaker:

The image shows Ms. Carolyn Mahinay wearing black shirt. Her hair is tied and has ear beads.
Ms. Carolyn Mahinay
Carolyn R. Mahinay, OTRP, OT (UK), (Ireland)
Ms Carolyn has a 20 years working experience as Licensed Pediatric Occupational Therapist. Worked from various centers in the Philippines and Qatar as Consultant and Senior Occupational Therapist since 2000 up to present. Has a Masteral Units in Special Education at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. Finished her degree in Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy at Emilio Aguinaldo College. She is a certified OT in the UK and Ireland.

Seminar Rates: (certificate and snacks included)
The Seminar is exclusive to members of the Autism Society Philippines
P 400 - Seminar only (For existing ASP Members)
P 900 - Seminar + ASP membership

Seminar fees may be deposited to Autism Society Philippines, Metrobank, Kamias Branch Account Number 047-3-04751874-2. Please email the scan copy of your deposit slip with the name/s of participant/s and contact numbers to and bring it on the day of the seminar. On-site registrants or walk- in will be accepted depending on the availability of slots. There will only be 70 slots available. No refund will be given to participants who do not show up on the date of the seminar. For more details, please call ASP at 02-903-5496.

The ASP Education and Empowerment Program serves as a platform to educate Filipino parents and professionals on the various interventions, modalities and theories surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Their application and implementation are left at your discretion. The views and personal experiences of the speakers are their own and may not necessarily reflect the views of the organization.


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