What: Behavior Management Planning Seminar-Workshop
When: 19 October 2019, 8am - 12nn
Where: ASP National Headquarters (http://bit.ly/asp-map2)
Behavior Management Planning Digital Poster |
Behaviors are a way for our children on the spectrum to communicate their needs. In this seminar-workshop, participants will understand the reasons for challenging behaviors, techniques to scan the environment to reduce chances of challenging behaviors, and strategies to help children stay engaged and regulated. At the end of the workshop participants shall have created a behavior management plan for their child which they can implement in their home, school or other environment.
Our Speaker:
Ms. Cecile Sicam |
Cecile Sicam is one of the 11 original founders of the Autism Society Philippines. She has served ASP in many capacities, as Secretary, President from 2001 to 2004; Vice President. Cecile has been teaching children with special needs for more than 2 decades. She taught SpEd for three years Santa Clara County, California; and upon her return resumed her position as Program Coordinator of Bridges Foundation Inc. She served as BFI's Directress from 2010-2016. She was her son's job coach upon his transition from school. Her adult son, Likas, has been employed for more than a decade. Now retired, she is currently ASP's Board Secretary, Education Committee Head and Project Manager of the Homepowerment Project.
Seminar Rates: (certificate and snack included)
The Seminar is exclusive to members of the Autism Society Philippines. Seminar rate is until October 16th only, additional P200 for walkin registration.
P 400 - Seminar only (For existing ASP Members)
P 900 - Seminar + ASP membership
Seminar fees may be deposited to Autism Society Philippines, Metrobank, Kamias Branch Account Number 047-3-04751874-2. Please email the scan copy of your deposit slip with the name/s of participant/s and contact numbers to autismphils@gmail.com and bring it on the day of the seminar. On-site registrants or walk- in will be accepted depending on the availability of slots. There will only be 45 slots available. No refund will be given to participants who do not show up on the date of the seminar. For more details, please call ASP at 02-903-5496.
The ASP Education and Empowerment Program serves as a platform to educate Filipino parents and professionals on the various interventions, modalities and theories surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder. Their application and implementation are left at your discretion. The views and personal experiences of the speakers are their own and may not necessarily reflect the views of the organization.
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