By: Tiffany Tan ASP Board Secretary
Digital poster of the event |
Log: February 1, 2010
Destination: Pasay City
Passengers: ASP Dream Team
Vision: PWD Friendly Airline
Mission: Autism Orientation to 50 Customer Service Managers
Carry on luggage: Hopes and Dreams
It was almost 1pm and the moderator was about to give his closing remarks. Suddenly, Christopher (Tope) Tajanlangit, Cabin Crew Supervisor, raised his hand. Instead of asking a question to the panelist, he shared a moving experience.
Tope said that perhaps if he was the one on board, during the much publicized Cebu Pacific incident involving two special children, last December, he may have had committed the same mistake. (Click on the following links to know more –
plain discrimination,
straight from the heart, planetiful hope)
Overwhelming Conviction
After attending mass with his family the previous day, Tope’s son went outside the church to play. Another boy suddenly came and grabbed a toy from his son. “Pinagsabihan ko siya ng matigas. (I scolded him),” said Tope in defense. But to his surprise, the other boy remained undaunted and continued playing, as if he didn’t hear a single word.
“I was really ‘mean’ to him,” he said in between tears, as he realized only after today’s orientation that the child he encountered might be “a special child”. Other ladies in the room also became emotional after hearing his story.
Dream Team Share Dreams
ASP Chair Emeritus, Dang Koe gave the Autism Orientation. Together with her is Gina Bermudo, ASP Trustee, who talked on airline policies and practices with PWDs. (Gina is a former international flight attendant of another airline). Other ‘passengers’ of the Dream Team were Patrick, PWA Math Wizard and mom Peng So, ASP’s Vice President; Evelyn Go , Treasurer and Ranil Sorongon, Executive Director.
Representatives from the Downs Syndrome Association of the Philippines, Inc. Mr. Tony Pasia, Chairman and Mr. Elmer Lapeña, DSAPI President, his wife Agnes and son Jeremy.
Lapeña’s posted this in his Facebook wall after the meeting: “We had a great meeting with Cebu Pacific today. Interaction with the participants was very meaningful and we're quite happy to have provided more understanding and encourage more positive behaviors to persons with disabilities.”
Other PWD representatives were Ms. Jojo Nepumuceno, Trustee of AD/HD Society of the Philippines and office manager Ms. Tess Magdael.
Sharing Hearts to Others
Blind architect Jimmy Silva of the United Architects of the Philippines, presented the video the "Heart of SM," to the 50 participants.
In a cellphone interview, Ranil Sorongon, ASP Executive Director, said: “It (referring to the video) was shown to present a model on how business organizations/establishments can provide a “barrier free” and “accessible” environment to persons with disabilities.”
According to Sorongon, SM is also hoping that their efforts will also be emulated by others. (The Heart of SM is one of SM Supermall’s advocacy projects for a more PWD friendly environment).
Make Him Fly
Dang made a PPT video using last year’s Angels Walk slogan: "Why clip his wings? “Be an angel. Take a walk…Make him fly...” (with plane zooming over the Angels Walk poster) “…with Cebu Pacific.”
Dang received a thunderous applause after the presentation.
ASP continues to trust that Sharing Dreams to others will help Build Hopes for a brighter tomorrow; and we continue to work harder to give wings to our children.
It’s almost Valentine’s Day. Show you care for others. To request for an Autism Orientation in your commercial establishments, please write us at or call us at 7-903-5496.
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